Chicago Masonry Contractors License Exam Prep Courses

2025 Course Dates

Don’t wait and miss the Deadline, call us now at 630-842-5551!!!

January 9 & 10, 2025
September 29 & 30, 2025

Instructor is a Licensed Architect and Contractor,..No Impostors!

Passing ratio 98%!!!

Seating is limited – Signup Now!
Total fee is $1,200 (30% LESS than other providers).

Go and Compare. Also, ask for their instructor’s credentials too.

A $500 deposit secures your seat. Balance due at the first of class.

Before registering for these courses, you must first signup for the license exam with Continental Testing.

 Time & Location

Time: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM each day
Location: Lewis University, Oak Brook, which is a 20-minute drive from Chicago and its suburbs.

Before registering, you must first signup for the license exam with Continental Testing.

About the Class

We prepare you to pass the Brick and Concrete Masonry exams of the City of Chicago. Our secret weapon is your teacher because he is a licensed architect who is also a contractor (see bio below). You get the best of two worlds. We are one of a kind in this field.

Our small class sizes allow us to focus our attention on our students, so you have the highest chance of passing the exams. Our affordable in-person classes are just $1,200, which makes us 30% LESS than the rest! This covers all guidebooks and materials. There is a retake warranty (in the unlikely case you need to retake). If you have any questions, contact us here.

We cover the following subject areas:

Day 1: Brick Masonry

302 (B Card)

  1. Materials & Methods

  2. Installation Procedures

  3. Tools, Equipment & Fasteners

  4. Quantity Surveying & Estimating

  5. Construction Math

  6. Safety Regulations

Day 2: Concrete Masonry

307 (C Card)

  1. Materials & Methods

  2. Installation & Implementation

  3. Steel Reinforcing & Installation

  4. Tools, Equipment & Fasteners

  5. Quantity Surveying & Estimating

  6. Formwork & Types

  7. OSHA, Title 29, Part 1926

No need to purchase the Masonry Skills book, Concrete Masonry Handbook, Code Federal Regulations OSHA, ASTM publications, or the many other volumes. We save you over $3,000 in books. We provide the study manuals. All you do is attend the classes.

Materials included in our Courses:

Chicago Masonry Contractors License Exam Training

Brick and Concrete Exams Preparation

  • Masonry Brick Study Guidebook

  • Masonry Concrete Masonry & OSHA Study Guidebooks

  • Number # 2 Pencils & Pencil Sharpener

  • Pens

  • Spiral Notebook

  • Highlighters

  • Solar-Power Calculator, 5-3/4 ”x 4-1/2”

  • Plus, a Canvas Briefcase Bag to carry and store your personal class materials.

Total course fee is $1,200. A $500 deposit secures your seat. Balance due at the first class.

Exam Preparation

As you know, preparation is essential for any exam. With our review courses, you will save on effort, cost, time and get you back working on your real jobs! With two days of guided learning sessions, you will increase the opportunity to pass immensely.

  • Our teaching system is tailored for students interested in optimizing their exam passing results within a compact time frame.

  • It takes a seasoned professional in our construction industry significantly more teaching experience and techniques to teach you what you need to know in just two days.

  • You are taught to eliminate the confusing exam answers and narrow them down to the “probables.”

  • We employ learning techniques such as image-name association, using your examples from on-the-job, graphics note-taking, and much more.

  • We teach you to look for exam question keywords and avoid getting caught in the trap of double negatives.

City Exam Registration Info

Note, registration for the city exams is NOT included with your course. You need to register with Continental Testing the authorized provider for the exams.

To Register for the Exams:

The cost for Brick exam is $95.00 and another separate fee for the concrete is $95.00. On the application checkoff the boxes as follows:

  • Type A card (Brick & Concrete Work) exams

  • Class B card (Brick Work) exam

  • Type C card (Concrete Work) exam

Please note: It takes approximately a week for your examination application to be registered after mailing it to the City of Chicago Trade Licenses Department.

For more information about the exam contact Continental Testing the authorized provider. Go to:

Total course fee is $1000. A $500 deposit secures your seat. Balance due at the first class.


“Thank you Frank, for the classes and all the materials you provided so that I could pass the exams easily. I enjoyed how much time and effort you took showing us the various strategies in answering multiple-choice questions. Thanks again.”

— Michael, Polish Mason Co

“Frank - Thank you again for all your help!! I feel so lucky to have found your class! After 10 years in the masonry industry and 8 tireless attempts to pass the mason exam, I finally passed, and not just barely, but with flying colors! Before finding Frank’s class, I had spent countless hours studying all the wrong topics over and over, Frank’s expertise really shows through as he slims down the amount of relevant information and focuses on the “need to know” topics and material. The small group setting made me feel comfortable asking questions and allows Frank to be attentive to each students’ needs.  The 2-day prep course covered absolutely everything that was on the exam, and I mean everything. It’s hard to describe the feeling of relief when you look at the questions on the exam and actually know the answers because they were so familiar!  I wish I had found this prep class sooner! Thank you!!!”

— Evelyn, MBB Group Corporation

“I attended the Mason/Concrete Exam Prep class and found it very helpful and valuable. Frank takes his time teaching and providing us with many examples. I Passed the exam. Many thanks Frank!!!”

— Luke, Modern Structures, Co

“Frank’s resources are amazing, most helpful, and useful for taking the exams. You make confusing masonry materials so easy to learn. Frank provided several examples and illustrations so that I could effortlessly understand the materials. Passed the exams.”

-- Mona, WBF Construction Company Inc.

“Being part of the Brick & Concrete courses was a real satisfaction for me. Very easy to understand the test’s materials. Frank gives everyone great teaching and learning experience in a very friendly Q/A atmosphere. You got to love the props! He brings them as examples and show students how they are used in the field. He reviews the materials several different ways and provide testing sample exams. I passed both exams. Thank you so much Frank!”

— Jane, Whole Construction, LLC.

“Very passionate instructor. Frank involves candidates and does all he can to help them understand the materials. I've found that he is well spoken and enthusiastic about the subject matter, easily to listen to and easy to follow. His form of teaching is very interactive from using the study guides, illustrations on the white board, presentation slides, and construction props. He will often repeat things and answer any in depth question the students have. I passed the tests. What a wonderful feeling!”

— David, WTR General Contractor, Inc.

Frank Gonzalez, AIA, ALA, GGP Chicago

Frank is president and founder of US-BES & US-CES. He is a licensed architect in Illinois, New York, and Florida. With 30 years of architectural and construction experience, Frank has performed proficiently in a wide variety of construction disciplines. His forward-thinking and progressive approaches have led him to become a sought-after architectural consultant and contractor for both landmark and contemporary renovations, including high-performance building energy projects.

Frank is licensed in Illinois as a Public Adjuster, Roofing Contractor, and Home Inspector. In Chicago, he is a licensed General Contractor and a Brick & Concrete Masonry Contractor (Class A).

Frank’s persistence in helping others in the construction industry led to the development of the Chicago Masonry Contractors License Exam Training Courses and Illinois Roofing Exam Training Courses.

He is a commissioner of the Hinsdale Preservation Commission. He is also a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Association of Licensed Architects (ALA), and a Green Globes Professional (GGP). Frank has won awards in the construction industry, writes construction articles regularly, and is invited as a guest lecturer at various professional organizations.